Community Development

There are two organizations that assist with Community Development.  The Wayne County Development Corporation and the Corydon Community Development Corporation (formerly the Lion's Club).  


At Wayne County Development Corporation,  our mission is to develop, promote and advance economic growth, well-being, and sustainable communities in Wayne County. 

Corydon Community Development Corporation is an organization that aims to improve the City of Corydon, Iowa's businesses, professionals, and community.

The Corydon/Allerton Lions Club is part of a global organization that works to improve the lives of people in the community. Lions Clubs International's programs include essay contests, community service, and youth programs. 



Contact Info

Kelly Anderson
Wayne Co. Development Corp.
100 N. Franklin Ste. Ste 1
Corydon, IA 50060
Visit Website

Mark Winslow
Corydon Community Development Corp
2031 135th St
Corydon, IA 50060

Alan Wilson
Corydon Lions Club
2031 135th St
Corydon, IA 50060
Visit Website