Time to License Your Pet

It is that time of the year again! Time to register your pets! According to City Ordinance 6.09.020 all dogs and cats within the city age 6 months and older must be licensed with the City. Pets age 6 months to 1 year cost $2.50, and pets over 1 year cost $5.00 to license. Licensing your pet is easy and inexpensive. All you need to do is bring proof that your pet is current on its rabies vaccination to City Hall. Once that is done you will be issued a numbered tag (unique to your pet) to put on your pet’s collar.

What is the benefit of licensing your pet?

  • Compliance with City Ordinance
  • You will not be subject to a fine for Failure to License your pet
  • If your pet has a current City license and is found, their tag can be looked up at City Hall and we can get in contact you to return your pet
  • It is proof that you pet is properly vaccinated

If you had a pet at one time, but no longer do, please let City Hall know. We may still be holding a card for it.

If you have any questions you may contact City Hall at 872-1826. We are looking forward to seeing you!